
157 lines
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;;; el/conduct.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun conduct-run ()
"Run a task or task group defined in the current project"
(let* (
(config-data (conduct/load-config))
(tasks (alist-get 'tasks config-data))
(groups (alist-get 'groups config-data))
(select-tasks (append (mapcar 'conduct/format-task-name tasks) nil))
(select-groups (append (mapcar 'conduct/format-group-name groups) nil))
(items (seq-remove #'conduct/is-running (append select-tasks select-groups)))
(selected-name (conduct/extract-name-from-selection (completing-read "Task: " items)))
(task-names (conduct/get-task-name selected-name config-data))
(group-names (conduct/get-group-name selected-name config-data))
(names (append task-names group-names)))
(dolist (name names)
(unless (conduct/get-task-buffer (conduct/get-named-task name config-data))
(conduct/run-task (conduct/get-named-task name config-data))))))
(defun conduct-kill ()
"Kill a defined project task"
(let* (
(config-data (conduct/load-config))
(tasks (alist-get 'tasks config-data))
(groups (alist-get 'groups config-data))
(select-tasks (seq-filter #'conduct/is-running (append (mapcar 'conduct/format-task-name tasks) nil)))
(select-groups (append (mapcar 'conduct/format-group-name groups) nil))
(items (append select-tasks select-groups))
(selected-name (conduct/extract-name-from-selection (completing-read "Task: " items)))
(task-names (conduct/get-task-name selected-name config-data))
(group-names (conduct/get-group-name selected-name config-data))
(names (append task-names group-names)))
(dolist (name names)
(conduct/kill-task (conduct/get-named-task name config-data)))))
(defun conduct-show ()
"Kill a defined project task"
(let* (
(config-data (conduct/load-config))
(tasks (alist-get 'tasks config-data))
(select-tasks (seq-filter #'conduct/is-running (append (mapcar 'conduct/format-task-name tasks) nil)))
(selected-name (conduct/extract-name-from-selection (completing-read "Task: " select-tasks))))
(switch-to-buffer (format "task-%s" selected-name))))
(defun conduct/create-task-path (task)
"Generate a new path based on the project root and the path for TASK"
(file-name-as-directory (project-root (project-current)))
(or (alist-get 'path task) ".")))
(defun conduct/load-config ()
"Load the conduct.json config file from the current project root"
(let* (
(config-file (concat
(file-name-as-directory (project-root (project-current)))
(json-read-file config-file)))
(defun conduct/get-named-task (name data)
"Return the task for NAME. NAME is assumed to be a string"
(assoc (intern name) (alist-get 'tasks data)))
(defun conduct/get-task-name (name data)
"Returns the name of the task as a single item list. If it exists in DATA"
(when-let (name (assoc (intern name) (alist-get 'tasks data)))
(list (symbol-name (car name)))))
(defun conduct/get-group-name (name data)
"Returns a list of all tasks for the group named NAME in DATA"
(append (cdr (assoc (intern name) (alist-get 'groups data))) nil))
(defun conduct/run-task (task)
"Run the given task definition"
(let* (
(name (concat "task-" (symbol-name (car task))))
(buffer (concat "task-" (symbol-name (car task))))
(raw-cmd (alist-get 'command (cdr task)))
(task-cmd (concat "cd " (conduct/create-task-path (cdr task)) " && " raw-cmd))
(command (list "/bin/sh" "-c" task-cmd))
(process (make-process :name name :buffer buffer :command command :sentinel 'task-sentinel)))
(message "Running task: %s" name)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(require 'shell)
(setq-local conduct-task-name name)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
(set-process-filter process 'comint-output-filter))
(defun conduct/get-task-buffer (task)
"Get the buffer related to a TASK defintiion"
(get-buffer (concat "task-" (symbol-name (car task)))))
(defun conduct/kill-task (task)
"Kill the process and buffer for a TASK"
(if-let* ((buffer (conduct/get-task-buffer task))
(process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
(kill-process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
(message "Task buffer not found for %s" (alist-get 'name task))))
(defun conduct/format-group-name (group)
"Format the name for GROUP that can be used in the popup selection"
(propertize (symbol-name (car group)) 'face 'outline-1)
(propertize "|" 'invisible t)
" "
(propertize (mapconcat #'identity (cdr group) ", ") 'face 'org-archived)))
(defun conduct/extract-name-from-selection (selection)
(car (split-string selection "|")))
(defun conduct/is-running (task-name)
(let* (
(process-name (concat "task-" (conduct/extract-name-from-selection task-name))))
(member process-name (mapcar #'process-name (process-list)))))
(defun conduct/format-task-name (task)
"Format the name for TASK to be used in the popup selection"
(let* (
(task-name (symbol-name (car task))))
(propertize task-name 'face 'bold)
(propertize "|" 'invisible t)
(propertize " ")
(propertize (alist-get 'command (cdr task)) 'face 'org-archived))))
(defun check-signal (sig s)
"Check the process signal against a value"
(and (> (length s) (length sig)) (equal sig (substring s 0 (length sig)))))
(defun task-sentinel (process event)
"Monitor the task process and close the buffer if it ends"
((check-signal "finished" event)
(message "Task ended: %s" (buffer-name (process-buffer process)))
(kill-buffer (process-buffer process)))
((check-signal "exited" event) (kill-buffer (process-buffer process)))
((check-signal "deleted" event) (kill-buffer (process-buffer process)))
((check-signal "failed" event)
(message "Task failed: %s" (buffer-name (process-buffer process)))
(kill-buffer (process-buffer process)))
((check-signal "killed" event)
(kill-buffer (process-buffer process)))
(t (message (format "Process: %s had the event '%s'" process event)))))