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Command Reference 2020-07-29T22:45:07-04:00 Full command usage false 1 0.3.2

Comamnd Reference

Launching a stack

The full stack listed in a configuration can be run by running the bare conductor command:


The run subcommand without arguments can also be used:

conductor run

Launching via tags

To run a group of components without launching the entire stack specify tags in the component configuration. One or more tags can be specified to run only components that have at least one of the specified tags.

conductor run --tags web,frontend

Launching by name

The name of a component can be used as a subcommand to launch that component by itself:

conductor my-component

Multiple components can be ran by specifying multiple component subcommands:

conductor server frontend metrics

Launching groups

Groups of components can be defined in the conductor.yml and launched by name

conductor my_group

Setup a stack

Given a configuration file you can clone and initialize an entire stack. This can be useful for bootstrapping a new computer/developer. From a folder with the conductor.yaml run:

conductor setup

Each component will be cloned into subfolders named after their component name (unless path is set) and their init commands will be run.