See the homepage: * Usecase Conductor is built to serve as a development stack launcher and task manager. It is useful when a development stack contains several parts. For instance: A frontend development web server, a backend api server, and supporting services. These can all be launched at once and their outputs aggrigated. Conductor also has a robust tasking system allowing utility tasks to be defined and run. This is useful for build or setup operations related to development. Such as: Database migrations, local builds, testing across the entire stack, etc. * Platforms A Conductor binary is provided for 64 bit linux based systems. * Getting started 1. Download the conductor binary #+begin_src sh curl | tar -xz #+end_src 2. (/Optional/) place this binary somewhere in your path. 3. Setup a conductor.yml in the root of your project. See for the yaml file specifications. 4. Launch tasks #+begin_src sh conductor taskname #+end_src