
337 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use piet_common::{kurbo, Color, LineCap, Piet, RenderContext, StrokeDash, StrokeStyle};
use plotters_backend::{BackendColor, BackendCoord, DrawingBackend, DrawingErrorKind};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Error {}
impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "plotters-piet error")
impl std::error::Error for Error {}
/// The piet backend.
/// Note that the size of the piet context has to be specified here.
pub struct PietBackend<'a, 'b> {
pub size: (u32, u32),
pub render_ctx: &'a mut Piet<'b>,
impl<'a, 'b> std::fmt::Debug for PietBackend<'a, 'b> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("size", &self.size)
.field("render_ctx", &"(not printable)")
impl<'a, 'b> DrawingBackend for PietBackend<'a, 'b> {
type ErrorType = Error;
fn get_size(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
fn ensure_prepared(&mut self) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
fn present(&mut self) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
.map_err(|_| DrawingErrorKind::DrawingError(Error {}))
fn draw_pixel(
&mut self,
point: BackendCoord,
color: BackendColor,
) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
let x = point.0 as f64;
let y = point.1 as f64;
kurbo::Rect::new(x, y, x + 1., y + 1.),
fn draw_line<S: plotters_backend::BackendStyle>(
&mut self,
from: BackendCoord,
to: BackendCoord,
style: &S,
) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
let from = plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid(from);
let to = plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid(to);
kurbo::Line::new(from, to),
style.stroke_width() as f64,
fn draw_rect<S: plotters_backend::BackendStyle>(
&mut self,
upper_left: BackendCoord,
bottom_right: BackendCoord,
style: &S,
fill: bool,
) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
let color = plotters_color_to_piet(&style.color());
if fill {
let upper_left = plotters_point_to_kurbo_corner(upper_left);
let mut bottom_right = plotters_point_to_kurbo_corner(bottom_right);
bottom_right.x += 1.;
bottom_right.y += 1.;
let rect = kurbo::Rect::new(upper_left.x, upper_left.y, bottom_right.x, bottom_right.y);
self.render_ctx.fill(rect, &color);
} else {
let upper_left = plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid(upper_left);
let bottom_right = plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid(bottom_right);
let rect = kurbo::Rect::new(upper_left.x, upper_left.y, bottom_right.x, bottom_right.y);
.stroke(rect, &color, style.stroke_width() as f64);
fn draw_path<S: plotters_backend::BackendStyle, I: IntoIterator<Item = BackendCoord>>(
&mut self,
path: I,
style: &S,
) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
if style.color().alpha == 0.0 {
return Ok(());
let path: Vec<kurbo::PathEl> = plotters_path_to_kurbo(path).collect();
style.stroke_width() as f64,
fn draw_circle<S: plotters_backend::BackendStyle>(
&mut self,
center: BackendCoord,
radius: u32,
style: &S,
fill: bool,
) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
let center = plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid(center);
let color = plotters_color_to_piet(&style.color());
let circle = kurbo::Circle::new(center, radius as f64);
if fill {
self.render_ctx.fill(circle, &color);
} else {
.stroke(circle, &color, style.stroke_width() as f64);
fn fill_polygon<S: plotters_backend::BackendStyle, I: IntoIterator<Item = BackendCoord>>(
&mut self,
vert: I,
style: &S,
) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
if style.color().alpha == 0.0 {
return Ok(());
let path: Vec<kurbo::PathEl> = plotters_path_to_kurbo(vert)
.fill(&*path, &plotters_color_to_piet(&style.color()));
// For now we use the default text drawing provided by plotters. This is definitely slower,
// but at least we don't have to worry about matching the font size and offset which turns
// out to be trickier than expected.
// fn draw_text<TStyle: plotters_backend::BackendTextStyle>(
// &mut self,
// text: &str,
// style: &TStyle,
// pos: BackendCoord,
// ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind<Self::ErrorType>> {
// let pos = plotters_point_to_kurbo(pos);
// let color = plotters_color_to_piet(&style.color());
// let text_api = self.render_ctx.text();
// let font_family = match style.family() {
// plotters_backend::FontFamily::Serif => Ok(FontFamily::SERIF),
// plotters_backend::FontFamily::SansSerif => Ok(FontFamily::SANS_SERIF),
// plotters_backend::FontFamily::Monospace => Ok(FontFamily::MONOSPACE),
// plotters_backend::FontFamily::Name(name) => text_api
// .font_family(name)
// .ok_or(piet_common::Error::MissingFont),
// };
// let (font_style, weight) = match style.style() {
// plotters_backend::FontStyle::Normal => (FontStyle::Regular, FontWeight::REGULAR),
// plotters_backend::FontStyle::Oblique => (FontStyle::Italic, FontWeight::REGULAR),
// plotters_backend::FontStyle::Italic => (FontStyle::Italic, FontWeight::REGULAR),
// plotters_backend::FontStyle::Bold => (FontStyle::Regular, FontWeight::BOLD),
// };
// let alignment = match style.anchor().h_pos {
// plotters_backend::text_anchor::HPos::Left => TextAlignment::Start,
// plotters_backend::text_anchor::HPos::Right => TextAlignment::End,
// plotters_backend::text_anchor::HPos::Center => TextAlignment::Center,
// };
// let layout = text_api
// .new_text_layout(String::from(text))
// .font(font_family.unwrap(), style.size())
// .text_color(color)
// .alignment(alignment)
// .default_attribute(TextAttribute::Style(font_style))
// .default_attribute(TextAttribute::Weight(weight))
// .build()
// .unwrap();
// // todo: style.anchor().v_pos
// // todo: style.transform()
// self.render_ctx.draw_text(&layout, pos);
// Ok(())
// }
fn plotters_color_to_piet(col: &BackendColor) -> piet_common::Color {
Color::rgba8(col.rgb.0, col.rgb.1, col.rgb.2, (col.alpha * 256.) as u8)
fn plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid((x, y): BackendCoord) -> kurbo::Point {
kurbo::Point {
x: x as f64 + 0.5,
y: y as f64 + 0.5,
fn plotters_point_to_kurbo_corner((x, y): BackendCoord) -> kurbo::Point {
kurbo::Point {
x: x as f64,
y: y as f64,
/// This is basically just an iterator map that applies a different function on
/// the first item as on the later items.
/// We need this because the piet direct2d backend doesn't like it if a path
/// consists entirely of `LineTo` entries, it requires the first entry to be
/// a `MoveTo` entry.
struct PlottersPathToKurbo<I> {
iter: I,
first: bool,
impl<I> PlottersPathToKurbo<I> {
fn new(path: I) -> PlottersPathToKurbo<I> {
PlottersPathToKurbo {
iter: path,
first: true,
impl<I> Iterator for PlottersPathToKurbo<I>
I: Iterator<Item = BackendCoord>,
type Item = kurbo::PathEl;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.iter.next().map(|point| {
let point = plotters_point_to_kurbo_mid(point);
if self.first {
self.first = false;
} else {
fn plotters_path_to_kurbo(
path: impl IntoIterator<Item = BackendCoord>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = kurbo::PathEl> {
const STROKE_STYLE_SQUARE_CAP: StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle::new().line_cap(LineCap::Square);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use piet_common::RenderContext;
use plotters::prelude::*;
fn fill_root_white() {
let width = 3;
let height = 2;
let mut device = piet_common::Device::new().unwrap();
let mut bitmap = device.bitmap_target(width, height, 1.0).unwrap();
let mut render_ctx = bitmap.render_context();
let piet_backend = PietBackend {
size: (width as u32, height as u32),
render_ctx: &mut render_ctx,
let root = piet_backend.into_drawing_area();
let mut buf = [0; 6 * 4];
.copy_raw_pixels(piet_common::ImageFormat::RgbaPremul, &mut buf)
assert_eq!(buf, [255; 6 * 4]);
fn test_plotters_path_to_kurbo() {
let path = vec![(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)];
let kurbo_path: Vec<kurbo::PathEl> = plotters_path_to_kurbo(path).collect();
kurbo::PathEl::MoveTo(kurbo::Point { x: 1.5, y: 2.5 }),
kurbo::PathEl::LineTo(kurbo::Point { x: 3.5, y: 4.5 }),
kurbo::PathEl::LineTo(kurbo::Point { x: 5.5, y: 6.5 }),